HFC - Howard Fertilizer Co
HFC stands for Howard Fertilizer Co
Here you will find, what does HFC stand for in Chemical under Industry category.
Popular queries with answer
How to abbreviate Howard Fertilizer Co? Howard Fertilizer Co can be abbreviated as HFC What does HFC stand for? HFC stands for Howard Fertilizer Co. What does Howard Fertilizer Co mean?The United States based company is located in Quincy, Florida engaged in chemicals industry.
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Alternative definitions of HFC
- Heterozygosity- Fitness Correlations
- Hydro Fluro Carbon
- Hydro Fluoro Carbon
- Hybrid Fiberoptic Coaxial
- Hunting For A Cure
- Hydrofluorocarbon
- Hybrid Fiber Coax
- Hybrid Fiber Coaxial
View 104 other definitions of HFC on the main acronym page
Nearby abbreviations with meaning
- HFUSA Hannover Fairs USA
- HFS Harmony Financial Services
- HEI Halfmoon Education Inc.
- HAS Hair Art Studio
- HNHS Holy Name High School
- HFC Hospice Family Care
- HRM Human Resource Management
- HCB Harbor Community Bank
- HGS Hanna Global Solutions
- HMAA Hunter Museum of American Art
- HCC Hoover Construction Co
- HTM Horizon Travel Magazine
- HLUNA Health Local Unit of Norte Alentejo
- HCN Hendricks College Network
- HSWM Humane Society of West Michigan
- HPL Homewood Public Library
- HASLC Housing Authority of Salt Lake City
- HCC Home Consignment Center
- HO The Holmes Organisation
- HMF The Henry Moore Foundation